Loud Reading and Comprehension

Loud reading can improve reading comprehension and retention. According to a study by the University of Iowa, reading aloud provides quick and easy assessment of student comprehension. It reveals far more than whether the reader understands the words. It reveals how far into the words – and the pattern of the words – the reader really sees. Reading aloud recaptures the physicality of words. 

Loud reading is better for memorization and comprehension. We simply remember better what we’re reading if we read it out loud. This partly is due to pathways in the brain such as the phonological pathway.

Reading out loud has several benefits. Here are some of them: 

1. Improves focus: When you read out loud, it becomes easier to put all of your energy into the task at hand without the temptation of distractions. 

2. Greater reading comprehension: Reading out loud can help you understand complex texts better and improve your reading comprehension. 

3. Opportunity to play: Reading out loud can be a fun activity that allows you to experiment with different voices and accents. 

4. Improves listening and reading skills: Reading out loud can help you become a better listener and reader by improving your ability to recognize patterns in language. 

Find out more about Loud reading and comprehension with these resources:

Loud Reading And Silent Reading – Which Is Better?

What Are the Benefits of Reading Aloud? (University of Iowa)

10 Best Practices to Improve Reading Comprehension

The Benefits of Reading Out Loud for Voice Actors

Why you should read this out loud...